Edible Arrangements i San Juan

Puerto RicoEdible Arrangements



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1790, Avenida Lomas Verdes, 00926, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-756-2323
internet side: www.ediblearrangements.com
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Latitude: 18.382851, Longitude: -66.1447661

kommentar 5

  • Yazmin M Sanchez

    Yazmin M Sanchez


    Excelent presentation. Frest fruits and flowers. The delivery employee was very professional and gave a careful yet sweet greeting when the delivery was carefully placed at our home entrance. Love the experience. Will Defenetly order again. Their atention to detail was spectacular.

  • Kimmo Smith

    Kimmo Smith


    Ordered an mini birthday box with chocolate cupcakes to be delivered the next day, not only did the guy tell me they close at 7 when they actually close at 5, they never delivered my product nor did they call me to let me know about the non delivery, is this is after I spoke to the manager the same day about my product. Never will I order from a San Juan edible again.

  • Marian Labat

    Marian Labat


    Very poor service would be an overstatement, as there has been no service at all. I ordered a couple of arrangements for our staff and not only did it not get delivered, but they have the audacity to say it did; they say it was delivered at 6pm when all orders for businesses are to be delivered before 5pm. At 6pm our business was closed, so I wonder who they gave it to, if that's even true. Their phone number does not work, or they simply don't answer. I have written them through facebook and email, and no response. If they were to be facing some kind of issues that impedes them from working or doing their job correctly, they should then stop accepting orders and taking our money.

  • adrianna quezada

    adrianna quezada


    Amazing customer service. I’m from NY and I placed a same day order out in Puerto Rico for My aunts birthday. Despite a mistake I made with the delivery address the order was still delivered successfully the same day 🙂

  • Elizabeth Hernandez

    Elizabeth Hernandez


    It was a pleasure doing business here. I ordered something for my mother’s birthday. The people at Rio piedras made sure my mother got what I ordered and some. Heriberto called me when he was on his way to make sure she was going to be surprised. He sang her happy birthday on his way up to her house. She was so surprised she called me in tears crying she is so grateful. Heriberto did something for me I couldn’t do for my mother because I’m so fat from her and I am so grateful to him! Thank you for making my mother’s birthday so special

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