Floristeria Petalos, Flowers & Gift Shop i Bayamón

Puerto RicoFloristeria Petalos, Flowers & Gift Shop



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Ave.167 Ramon L.Rivera Marginal Forest Hills #1, Bayamón, 00959, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-785-3737
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3891588, Longitude: -66.1614182

kommentar 5

  • Oz



    Didn't have the red roses I was looking for my wife, but they arranged some pink roses really pretty for her.

  • Glass Co D&B

    Glass Co D&B


    Ordered flowers for my sister on her birthday based on a picture sent from the flower shop. The arrangement was beautiful but looked kind of small in the picture. I was pleasantly surprised when she sent me the picture after they had arrived. She loved them! Beautiful, large, arrangement of roses with teddy bear and chocolates! Definitely worth the price! Would use them again!

  • Julian C

    Julian C


    Just want to thank you guys for an outstanding service on a flower arrangement for my uncles funeral. I forwarded my mother your business info and the person who took care of her was amazing helping with the order that was made over the phone and pictures with my mother who lives in Miami . My mother was very happy with the outcome and she felt very nice and confident with this place. Keep up the good work. Thanks again.

  • Lisette Aguilar

    Lisette Aguilar


    Awesome experience, treat me well and profesional. They're productos are amazing

  • Elis Forman

    Elis Forman


    What a service! I called for a same-day delivery from Orlando, FL to Bayamon, PR and from the moment I called it was first class service. Very affordable prices and they even called after to tell me how happy my mom was with the arrangement. 100% recommendation from me. The arrangement was more than what I expected. Loved it. Truly appreciate it!

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