CD Weddings i Toa Alta

Puerto RicoCD Weddings



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Urb Palacios Reales 210, Calle Ricardi i18, Toa Alta, 00953, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-919-0532
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.347446, Longitude: -66.204981

kommentar 5

  • Justin Gonczar

    Justin Gonczar


    Chezelle did a wonderful job with our wedding. Went above and beyond our expectations. As the unexpected occurred, as they always do, Chezelle handled them with ease and poise. Made our wedding exceptional and glad to have her as a friend now!

  • Brenna Normandin

    Brenna Normandin


    Just over nine years ago, I was fortunate enough to have Chezelle help me plan my wedding. She is very detail oriented and has a great sense for design, and put those qualities to work decorating the church for the big day. Little details, that I surely would have missed, or overlooked as unimportant were picked up and corrected without any hassle. She helped me make these amazing favors, creating a detailed photo I had envisioned but had no way to create. When I felt overwhelmed, she helped remind me what was really important about the wedding - me and my husband and the covenant we were entering into. I'm glad to say not only did we get the wedding day we dreamed of, nine years later we are still happily married. If you're looking for help getting your wedding in order, Chezelle is definitely the right person to have in your corner.

  • en

    J Diaz


    Chezelle did such an amazing Job with planning and coordinating our wedding. She took my thoughts and ideas and put this beautiful, eloquent wedding together. I couldn't have asked for a better person by my side on the most important day of my life. Chezelle is professional and really loves what she does. I can't wait to renew my vows. I highly recommend her !!!

  • Brian Friedman

    Brian Friedman


    Chezelle did an unbelievable job planning my wedding in Vieques in June of 2016. She has great taste, is very very easy to work with, and is very reliable. My wife and I planned the wedding from New York and Chezelle made it all so much easier. She knows a lot of the best vendors and protects her clients from being overcharged. I cannot recommend her highly enough!!!!

  • Jen S

    Jen S


    Chezelle was amazing. I was so happy to have found her from so far away. We were living in Israel at the time and she helped me plan through phone calls and Skype. She made it so easy for me. She knew exactly what I wanted and went beyond my expectations. She was a true pleasure to work with and recommend her completely to anyone who wants a beautiful stress free wedding day!

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