El Canario Lagoon Hotel i San Juan

Puerto RicoEl Canario Lagoon Hotel



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4, Calle Clemenceau, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-722-5058
internet side: www.canariolagoonhotel.com
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Latitude: 18.4567413, Longitude: -66.0753595

kommentar 5

  • Heather Fries

    Heather Fries


    Not a 3 star hotel. 2 star hotel with 1960's styling and the scariest elevator ever! Maids too lazy to restock towels even though I put the clean the room sign on the door.

  • Diana Martinez

    Diana Martinez


    Small, very clean, well organized and good sized and decorated rooms. Staff is pleasant. Location is excellent to many sights and activities. Close to transportation. Will stay here again.

  • Jeffrey Carrero

    Jeffrey Carrero


    The rooms were very dated, and the bed was very uncomfortable. There isn't a iron in the room, you have to iron your clothes in the lobby. The blond female at the front desk was very friendly and helpful. She was the only redeeming quality this motel has. Her and the location. It's very close to bars, restaurants, and the beach.

  • Kaestner Ducran

    Kaestner Ducran


    It's a simple and clean place. The rooms are small but comfortable. The location is good. A short walk from La Concha Hotel.

  • AJ Alicea (Jean)

    AJ Alicea (Jean)


    For us while we were staying there the hotel was quiet. The staff was extremely friendly. The continental breakfast was okay. They had oatmeal, a variety of cold cereals, fresh bananas, a variety of pastries, along with a variety slices of bread. There is also fresh milk, orange juice, hot water for tea and good typical Caribbean strong coffee. They also had available powdered chocolate if you wanted chocolate milk. They kept hot coffee available all day along with hot water to make hot tea. If I ever come back to San Juan this will be a great place to stay.

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