Gallo Negro i San Juan

Puerto RicoGallo Negro



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1107, Avenida de la Constitución, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-554-5445
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4519314, Longitude: -66.0758841

kommentar 5

  • Vasilios Kouis

    Vasilios Kouis


    One of the finer restaurants in PR. I passed it numerous times and never noticed it. Low key very good cuisine.

  • Ida Passalacqua

    Ida Passalacqua


    Is cozy, I always go for the duck amd the brussels. The service is attentive, but not overwhelming. Perfect to go as a cuple and enjoy the ambience, is fun with a little of romance.

  • Enily Vater

    Enily Vater


    Beautiful space, muy buena comida, good vibes. Bruselas were awesyumm!

  • Ben Wheeler

    Ben Wheeler


    Gallo Negro is tasty, hip, and incredibly friendly. Seriously, I practically fell in love with the waiter, and later the owner came over and chatted with us for a long time, and even gave us some detailed recommendations for places to go afterwards. A real gem of a place: modern, but vibrant and alive, not like all those cookie-cutter modern hotel restaurants. Go!

  • Nexxuspr



    Best dinner ever! Congratulations to the Chef! It was a creative menu, in perfect harmony with an amazing flavors. The place is small but cozy. Good portions, elegant presentation and a flavor combination that made each course an unforgettable experience. Highly recommended! Thank you for an outstanding dinner experience, We will definitely go back.

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