García Trucking Services, Inc. i Carolina

Puerto RicoGarcía Trucking Services, Inc.



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1361 Calle Río Danubio Sabana Abajo Industrial Park, Carolina, 00982, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-762-5353
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4252913, Longitude: -65.9907201

kommentar 5

  • antonio chaviano

    antonio chaviano


    Terrible customer service, poor communication. Highly suggest checking prices with other movers and ask for explicit detailed information about their charges before choosing their services. I recommend staying away and look for other movers, you will not be disappointed!

  • kristof czartoryski

    kristof czartoryski


    Garbage service. Rude employees. Not recommended.

  • Gwenievere Lunod

    Gwenievere Lunod


    Stay away from this company. Called them last week for a quote. The guy that did the inspection on Thursday was 45 minutes late and we were told we were getting our quote the same day and that we should be able to move Monday. No quote on Thursday so we called Friday and they were making us chase a dead end. They finally told us to call back Monday. Same thing Monday, made us call back 5 times throughout the day only to tell us they can’t move us until Saturday even after I told them initially that I needed to be moved by Wednesday. If they would have told us it’s not possible by the time we needed, we would have called different movers or figured out a different plan. No sense of time, no courtesy, unprofessional. Stay away!

  • Jason Montano

    Jason Montano


    Worst customer service! They will schedule an appt with you and not show up! Be prepared for unorganized chaos! They have no customer service skills at all. Household goods were damaged, TV's missing, mattress missing, and just over irresponsible. Find other people to deal with. Anything else is better!

  • Bri Meusz

    Bri Meusz


    I had the best experience. They arrived on time and we're very quick yet responsible handling all our household items. I would highly recommend them. They were so friendly and helpful.

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