Southern Self Storage i Carolina

Puerto RicoSouthern Self Storage



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7500, Avenida 65 de Infantería, 00987, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 786-646-1939
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3854966, Longitude: -65.9709278

kommentar 5

  • David Ramirez

    David Ramirez


    I just rented a storage unit here and I have to say the experience was amazing. Agent Jessica helped me with the space I needed and was very professional. Her customer service skills are quite excellent. Thank you!

  • Wanda Sanchez

    Wanda Sanchez


    My husband has an storage space in this location (Carolina). The customer service is excellent and areas look clean and organized. Additionally, I observed that Jessica provide service to customer in a timely, pleasant manner. Excellent job!

  • Melanie Gummer

    Melanie Gummer


    This storage location has always taken care of our cars. They are very helpful and easy to work with. I would definitely recommend them for car storage.

  • Jorge Rodriguez

    Jorge Rodriguez


    It was an excellent experience with Jessica. Was very professional and knows the system very well. She answer all the questions that I have of the storage and was so friendly. First time and was awesome. Thanks and keep the excellent work.

  • Jenn Sloan

    Jenn Sloan


    Wonderful experience! Staff is has very good knowledge of spaces and what customer really needs. Very clean facilities.

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