Mudanzas Economicas PR i Trujillo Alto

Puerto RicoMudanzas Economicas PR



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Calle 18 Y-14 Urb, Trujillo Alto, 00976, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-518-0904
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3624437, Longitude: -66.0207696

kommentar 5

  • Poly Sued

    Poly Sued


    FATAL! They quoted me an amount and then they wanted to charge me more, the owner told me that he had not understood the amount of things we had (I told him exactly what it was when he was quoting me). He indicated that it was a complete move which means that they dismantled and assembled / wrapped everything! When I asked the employees why they weren't wrapping my things they told me that was an additional charge. My husband ended up taking the beds apart and putting them back together! I really don't recommend them. Read the reviews I ignored the reviews I saw to give it a try and the benefit of the doubt. We will not use this company again.

  • Janeliz Lazu

    Janeliz Lazu


    Excellently service. From the reception to the day of my move. They were very punctual, all the furniture protected me. And they were fast. I am more than satisfied and I do recommend them.

  • Gabriel Hernandez Carrasquillo

    Gabriel Hernandez Carrasquillo


    They agreed to arrive in an hour and call me to say that another delivery came up and they wanted to "take advantage of the trip", it would take 3 more hours. At 5 hours, they indicate that they suffered "mechanical failure" ... causing me to lose another commitment and the day.

  • Liz Colon

    Liz Colon


    Excellent guys very fast

  • Lizbeth Cruz

    Lizbeth Cruz


    NO STAR! FATAL! They never arrived. They are irresponsible and liars. They were scheduled for noon and never arrived. I lost all my purchase, because I emptied the fridge and the freezer. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THEM. RESPONSIBLE!

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