Mudanza El Canito i Trujillo Alto

Puerto RicoMudanza El Canito



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Trujillo Alto, 00976, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 939-334-9804
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3656771, Longitude: -66.0184793

kommentar 4

  • iKrumpy-



    The best Sobao bread you can try

  • arelis serafin

    arelis serafin


  • Omayra Correa

    Omayra Correa


  • Getzabeth Montalvo

    Getzabeth Montalvo


    Last Monday, July 15, I hired this company, because it said on its website- that I had 10 years of experience and excellent customer service, "according to your page". I spoke with the same owner named Jonathan, a week before and we settled a number of boxes and some furniture (since I had not yet accounted for everything that I was going to move) The only thing I can say is that it has a star because it came to the established time I indicated that they were going to be more things since when I spoke with him it was a week before and he did not have everything packed, which he knew because I informed him on the phone. When he saw what he really was, he told me that what he saw was going to be $ 100 more than what he had estimated on the phone, the telephone estimate was $ 200. The owner arrived with only one companion. The two people arrived and started taking out the boxes in a hurry because they told me they had another move after mine, making us feel stressed with their plight. Many of the boxes did not let me put "tape" because they took them like this because of the hurry. They started to fill the moving truck and then they told me that I needed more because there was nothing left of what I had left. And there was enough! We went to accompany them with the truck to the new apartment And when we told him we were doing what was left they told me that they were looking for $ 200 more than the $ 300 we had already squared. (I make the reservation that I only had 2 heavy things and that my husband helped them get things off the truck). Additional they broke a dollhouse for my daughter because of the way they handled things. I had to monitor why they were not being careful with things and everything that could be broken or grated properly was not wrapped around me. The reason I write this is because this company has a page that says they have 10 years of "experience" in moving and that customer satisfaction is 100% guaranteed and they did not have a high level of experience at all and MUCH LESS SERVICE TO THE CLIENT. I tried to reach an agreement with the owner, because at no time did they tell me they were going to leave me in the middle with the move! and so do not leave this comment, but he, Jonathan (the owner) did not want to compromise. I had to go back with my car to find what was left and we had to travel 5 round trips ... we ended that day at 12:00 a.m., from 9 a.m., when the moving car came. It was as if we had not hired anyone ... I feel like we lost $ 300 for nothing and my three-year-old baby girl every time she sees her house gets sad because they broke it and to top it off I realized when they left, because They did it and they did not say anything to me. Please people before hiring this company read this comment because they do not know what customer service is and their website is a deceptive advertisement. Look for a company with reviews and recommended so that they do not go through such a bad experience like ours.

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