Mudanzas Roman en PR i Trujillo Alto

Puerto RicoMudanzas Roman en PR



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176, Calle Adelina Hernandez, 00976, Trujillo Alto, Cuevas, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-598-0344
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.365189, Longitude: -66.018029

kommentar 5

  • Jose Orraca

    Jose Orraca


    They never arrived to make the move at the indicated time although it was confirmed twice. After 2 hours they communicated to coordinate for another day

  • Jose Antonio Cruz Santiago

    Jose Antonio Cruz Santiago


    Fast, good service and very good price.

  • Orlando Sepulveda

    Orlando Sepulveda


    Those who moved Román were my 4th quote for a move from Cupey to Humacao. The other 3 companies quoted me very high and were given the date of service. The Roman removals attended me quickly and listed well below what the lowest of the other 3 quotes asked for. The agreed day arrived on time and with 3 employees, they were able to put all the furniture, televisions, electrical equipment, glassware, gym equipment, etc. on one trip. And they protected them very well with cardboard surrogado. By 4:00 pm they had finished putting everything in my new house. For my part I recommend them 100%.

  • Maria Roman

    Maria Roman


    Fast service and excellent service.

  • Hector Nigaglioni

    Hector Nigaglioni


    It was professionally planned but unfortunately it was not like that I took a small truck there was almost no space it broke the legs of a television a few things were lost cable television some bedspreads and several other things not even got off the truck to coordinate With their employees they did what that they could without a hand truck not eating it

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