Extra Space Storage i Caguas

Puerto RicoExtra Space Storage



🕗 åbningstider

#1000, Avenue Parque Central, 00727, Caguas, Bairoa, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-449-9815
internet side: www.extraspace.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.251084, Longitude: -66.0435323

kommentar 5

  • Eduardo Cortés

    Eduardo Cortés


    Had a storage here for about 5 years. The place is good. Prices have gone up, but I'm not moving my stuff. I hate moving. Overall, the place is great, and employees are awesome. Recommended.

  • Amat victoria curam

    Amat victoria curam


    Great facilities, very secured and awesome staff. I’ve been a customer for over a year and they met all the requirements I needed for my company. Do to the nature of my business I requested 24/7 access to my storage and easy accessibility. 100% recommended

  • L L

    L L


    My experience was amazing!!!!!! Nancy its one of the nicest persons ive ever meet. She help me thru the phone first and then she help me again at the time of choosing the space i needed. Great experience... Kudos for having her she is great and the facilities are very good and very well located

  • Karla Santana

    Karla Santana


    I went to see a space and Nancy helped me get a better one. She was really helpful and friendly. Excellent service. 👌🏽

  • Edwin Trimble

    Edwin Trimble


    Great facilities and awesome service. Mrs. Nancy and Mrs. Nelly were very professionally kind and friendly, assisting us with our storage needs to keep our property safe. Highly recommended!

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