Oceano i San Juan

Puerto RicoOceano



🕗 åbningstider

2, Calle Vendig, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-724-6300
internet side: oceanopr.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4572196, Longitude: -66.0725845

kommentar 5

  • en

    Brigid Dwyer


    Spectacular setting and decor. Very good waitstaff. Kitchen was out of multiple dishes but still a great meal. There was quite a dance party on the beach nearby

  • Nikki Jessup

    Nikki Jessup


    Best meal I have ever had in my life!! Best honeymoon dinner since we’ve been here! Awesome staff, amazing food, and beautiful views!!

  • Ashley Hudson

    Ashley Hudson


    This was the perfect spot for a chic little birthday dinner. The location is prime! The food was incredible and reasonably priced. I will be going back on my next trip to PR. They use open table too, which comes in handy. It’s modern decor with a balanced seafood and turf menu. You have to go!

  • en

    Mzcubana B


    I went to a Sunday brunch and it was a buffet style. The food was cold and I had chicken breast with some kind of pesto sauce, rice, seafood pasta, chicken strip and a roll and a chocolate cake pop type dessert. To be honest the best part of it all was the dessert and chicken strip. Maybe it was just that day but that was no good. The place is beautiful that's why I gave 3 stars other then that it would be no stars for food.

  • Jorge Omar Gonzalez

    Jorge Omar Gonzalez


    Great restaurant in the heart of Condado. It is an up scale place but completely worth it. The food is great and they have options for everyone. The beachfront view will make your afternoon or evening peaceful with the sound of the waves breaking on the shore along with a soft breeze. So if you want to have a very Romantic dinner this is the place to consider.

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