Quality Inn El Portal i San Juan

Puerto RicoQuality Inn El Portal


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76, Condado Avenue, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-9010
internet side: www.qualityinn.com
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Latitude: 18.4539607, Longitude: -66.0735139

kommentar 5

  • Franco Montez

    Franco Montez


    The visit was awesome! I booked this hotel for our 2 year anniversary. It was nice until we turned down the a/c and noticed if the room was under freezing temperature a lot of bugs would come out. So the entire stay of 7 day's we had to freeze through the night's. Other then the freezing, the hotel staff we're very warming and helpful. They made the stay pleasing and enjoyable! The rate for the stay was over priced for what the hotel turned out to be. The hotel was a little runned down, the elevator was struggling to work, the window's hasn't been cleaned in a very long time, the wifi was free but for 4 day's of our stay, and there was no cable just basic t.v. I would recommend this hotel but it isn't a place for romance nor family. The amenities they offer are true except the accessible for visually impaired and roll in shower.

  • Gavin Blake

    Gavin Blake


    This Hotel Is Not FoR A vacation Stay But Rather An overnight stop and go. The rooms are rather cosy and the beds are very comfortable; however I think this hotel needs to be remodeled and become more modernized. The Internet was very unreliable in my room and dropped very often..I literally had to stand in hallway under modem/Reuter to use the Internet. The breakfast was great for the 1st and 2nd day of our stay....but after the 3rd and 4th day it was impossible to eat the same thing everyday..it lacked variety. we were almost eaten alive by mosquitoes nightly..we reported this problem and a technician sprayed the room which alleviated the problem a bit. I think this hotel might be overpriced....my opinion.

  • Maria Rodriguez

    Maria Rodriguez


    This place was nice for what you pay for . The hotel itself is about 2 blocks from the beach and is located around a lot of restaurants . Our room was on the 5th floor and the view was literally of the big tree in front of the hotel . Bed and pillows were super comfy. Bathroom is on the small side . I liked that it had a chest to organize our clothes . TV had about 72 channels . WIFI is free but I got really bad signal so I didn't even use it . Breakfast is free and on the rooftop which was really nice . The staff was also really nice . Def a good place to stay when your on a budget .

  • Brenda Hernandez

    Brenda Hernandez


    I do not recommend this hotel. I stayed on the 7th floor and the walls had mold, old furniture, stained carpet and unpleasant odor.

  • Heydee Marie Martinez Serra

    Heydee Marie Martinez Serra


    I really loved my stay. The location is wonderful since you have the beach and the best places within walking distance. I recommend it!

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