Southern Self Storage i Juncos

Puerto RicoSouthern Self Storage



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Urb Valencia 2 #102 Carr 198, Juncos, 00777, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 786-870-4760
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.2236928, Longitude: -65.914706

kommentar 5

  • Heather O'Connor

    Heather O'Connor


    Jose Cruz was so very helpful, professional, and organized. His English was very good also! So glad I found this place!

  • Mike Warren2

    Mike Warren2


    They found me space that was sold 2 days after I called and held it for me when everything was sold out. Perfect English. Super polite and funny. Highly recommend.

  • Raul Perez

    Raul Perez


    Excellent Service and super reliable and the benefits are excellent too. Nelly and Jose are superb and incredible.. Very satisfied and will recommend to anybody !

  • Robert Cordes

    Robert Cordes


    When I called for costs, I was given a price that was $25.00 more than the online price. This is fairly normal procedure for business, so check online before making a commitment. Available units were limited in number, but they did some research and found a space that worked well. Thanks for the extra effort. Gate code worked well, but wasn't told of code entrance into the building. Had to call twice from building entrance to get the code. Once in the storage locker, everything was in place, very satisfied.

  • Mary Smith

    Mary Smith


    I am renting 2 units to use for storing new furniture and fixtures for our renovation. The staff goes over and beyond helpful, security is amazing.....I even put my lock on wrong one day and they called me to let me know it was not locked!!!! The climate control is great ! I have lung issues so I can detect mold quickly and this place is very well kept up, clean and mold free I highly recommend 😊

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