SW Club Lounge & Bar i San Juan

Puerto RicoSW Club Lounge & Bar



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1204, Avenida de la Constitución, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-463-6408
internet side: www.swloungebar.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4508537, Longitude: -66.0747818

kommentar 5

  • Donnell Halford

    Donnell Halford


    The Club is on the Second floor. It was $40 for a Couple on a Saturday. We were able to pay it with a debit card. We paid $2 for a locker and the lock was included. We recieved a Tour from the Host Couple and They have Private Rooms that start at $20 with $5 each additional person. Then they have Leather Red Beds in what seems like the hallway for everyone to watch that are Free. The Drinks are reasonably priced and We paid with a Debit Card. They played Latin Music all night. It was a small location but it was a Great Time.

  • Rocky mcmillin

    Rocky mcmillin


    Much love from the Oregon Theater in Portland, Oregon USA

  • Don Manuel Presents

    Don Manuel Presents


    This was a very unique experience to say the least, staff was helpful once we found the place which isnt easy. But once we got there we had a fun night. Any place for any open couple to explore and have fun. Sorry no photos were allowed

  • Jemm Monti

    Jemm Monti


    This place is great for cuples only if you like and love swinging around this is tve Wright place for you and your partner you can do anything in this place from drinking to have sex with your partner enjoy your live Up yo te maximum




    Best place to pass with your partner great time to know people and make friends

nærmeste Bar

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