TC Villas i San Juan

Puerto RicoTC Villas



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Caribe Plaza 6th Floor, Palmeras St. #53, San Juan, 00901, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-378-8410
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4629445, Longitude: -66.0868502

kommentar 4

  • Kevan Bartz

    Kevan Bartz


    If you could describe paradise then TC Villas would be the dictionary. My girlfriend and I had the absolutely best time in Miami Vice one and they made it all happen. They couldn't of been better to deal with and truly provide the best of best in TC. They helped us and made sure everything went smoothly and I will never rent from another company for our trips to Turks and Caicos again. Thank you for everything you guys did. From a truly satisfied customer. K Bartz.

  • en

    Mike Harrington


    We had an unbelievable time last December at the Ballyhoo Cottage. It was our 10 year wedding anniversary trip, and I wanted it to be perfect. I was not disappointed! TC Villas was very easy to work with, professional, and accommodating. I'd highly recommend them if your looking for a home/villa vacation rental experience when traveling to TC.

  • Dan Kasal

    Dan Kasal


    TC Villas rocks!

  • Michael Davis

    Michael Davis


    Beautiful villas. No one knows Provo like TC Villas does.

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