The Place at Condado i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Place at Condado



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#1368, Ashford Avenue, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-998-4209
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4548619, Longitude: -66.0677639

kommentar 5

  • Mari Bonnet

    Mari Bonnet


    We were so excited to have found a beer place with a patio, but unfortunately we were extremely disappointed by the service. We brushed it off thinking we came at a busy time, but we gave them a second chance a different day and it was even worse. The server comes every 20-25 minutes. If you order a drink, you will wait half an hour for it. When you ask for the check (both times I've had to walk inside and personally find my server), be ready to wait another 30 mins. In other words, don't come here unless you're ready to spend 2 hours and be extremely frustrated by the god-awfully slow service.

  • Aamir Shakir

    Aamir Shakir


    Not a great burger. 1 out of 5 Meat under seasoned. Service was good. 4 of 5 Fries were the best part of the meal. 5 of 5 Did not love the mallorca bun 2 out 5 Decor. Indoor eating. Social distancing 5 out 5.

  • William Saez

    William Saez


    Nice place, dog friendly, food is awesome, burgers delicious, I loved everything including prices and service, a lot of beers to choose.

  • alpaca recordings

    alpaca recordings


    *Please read this review before going* Do yourself a favor. This place is overpriced. Food isn't bad, but you can find somewhere better. They only do burgers and pizza, yet somehow they'll find a way to mess it up. You get to order by filling in a little paper, but they'll take it as a suggestion. They'll give you what they want. Food took an hour to get to the table, and it will get to you in stages. First they'll give you whatever they want to give you and the rest of the order will arrive in time. The waiter was nice tho.

  • Yolanda Mercado

    Yolanda Mercado


    Very good place! Try Passion Fruit Margarita's 😋😋😋🍔🍹

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