The Tryst Beachfront Hotel i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Tryst Beachfront Hotel



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Calle Vendig, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-6900
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4571495, Longitude: -66.0723465

kommentar 5

  • Kareen Bellevue

    Kareen Bellevue


    The hotel was nice. Its nestled on the beach and has a great restaurant attached. Some advice make reservations early. It's in a central location and is near many bars and restaurants which is really great. All you have to do is step out and you can find something to do.Our room was pretty plain and our bathroom was small but it was clean and at night you can hear the waves from the beach. It was quite soothing and relaxing. The staff was amazing. Very accommodating and knowledgeable on things to do and how to navigate around. They really make the hotel. Overall this hotel was pretty sweet and I would absolutely stay here again.

  • Pure Horse Play Adventures

    Pure Horse Play Adventures


    Best thing about this hotel is that it is literally right on the beach . The rooms were clean but tiny no balconies and we couldn't get much help from the front desk. We asked for different items such as water, cups, lotion they couldnt assist us, we asked to warm up our food since restaurant was closed they said no. This is a hotel that if you just want to drop your bags and hang on the beach or just a place to lay your head it's a clean perfect place. Also the Bar and restaurant are very nice good music, good vibes, good food. Make reservations as it's a very popular restaurant.

  • wadney julien

    wadney julien


    I see that they somehow got my last review deleted. Don’t stay here! Rooms are dirty, they have roaches, loud at night, very small rooms and they over charged me and claimed they didn’t. My bank is investigating their unfair business tactics. I asked for a refund and they lied about that. I don’t want anyone to go through my experience especially with this hotel!

  • Vanessa Deyanna

    Vanessa Deyanna


    3 bedroom was ( in the next building over, not in the oceanfront building) dirty, plastic on the beds( maybe for kids that pee or something), and the power kept shutting off. Take your money and stay elsewhere.

  • Keith Jackson

    Keith Jackson


    visited Spring 2020 (during renovations) This hotel is a little older, but is getting renovated. The lobby and bar area are really nice and cool, which is the important thing. It's right on the beach, and in a great location for walking to bars/restaurants. The attached Wicked Lily hotel bar is pretty awesome. The hotel and bar is LGBT friendly. No major issues other than renovation noise and clutter (should go soon). The staff was nice, friendly, and helpful, especially the front desk guy. The staff was still working through their renovation issues (There was no sign indicating the bathroom was in fact a bathroom, and didn't even know the bathroom was out of order so people were waiting outside an empty locked bathroom in the rain), but that should clear up soon. Would stay again.

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