Caribe Bliss Ocean Tours & Boat Rental i Fajardo

Puerto RicoCaribe Bliss Ocean Tours & Boat Rental



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Carretera Cabezas de San Juan, 00738, Fajardo, Sardinera, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-439-1672
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3443535, Longitude: -65.6369374

kommentar 3

  • Tia McBride

    Tia McBride


    Captain Kenneth and his crew are Angels on Earth! Caribe Bliss was the only boat ( that I know of) to travel 3 hours there and back on bumpy water, leaving their families behind, to come rescue people off the destroyed island of Tortola right before being hit by another hurricane. If it weren't for Caribe Bliss (and Doug Hatch), there is no way to know when we would've been able to get home. Everyone made me feel protected and loved during one of the scariest moments of my life and for that I'm forever grateful. Although Hurricane Irma has come and gone, I will NEVER forget how absolutely phenomenal and heart-warming this crew and everyone in connection to them were to all of us. All the way to Kenneth's amazing, beautiful, caring and compassionate spouse and mother, to the chefs that fed us the most DELICIOUS hot food we hadn't had in days, to the guys that drove us, in the middle of the night, to shelter that had already been arranged when we made it to shore. I can truly go on an on about everything this crew did for a few strangers they had just met, but the main point I want to make is that this company is not your average tour boat, they are Life Savers! Although this review may not cover a traditional guided tour experience, it was still a tour that they took care of every single one of us on that boat ABOVE and BEYOND anything we could've expected. Thank you Caribe Bliss!🙏💜💚 I look forward to seeing you all reach even greater heights in the years to come!!!

  • Sean D'Abbraccio

    Sean D'Abbraccio


    These guys used their own boat and donated their own time to help evacuate residents of St. John after hurricane IRMA and asked for nothing in return! Brought 42 passengers to Farjado on the boat for the first of many 2 hour trips to help! They are amazing and I would recommend them to anyone looking for a charter.

  • William Alvarado

    William Alvarado


    So I had a chance to book a snorkel and island tour of isla culebras in Puerto Rico, this company was just the one that the hotel used so we went with them, I was so happy and pleasantly surprised at the result. The crew was amazing, insightful, and fun. The tour itself was great and we had just the best time. On the downside we couldn't get to the beach we were suppose to because of the swell (whatever that is) but the crew ended up taking us to a more remote and private beach with other boats and visitors, it felt almost like a private island getaway, highly recommend them! And you guys know how picky I am. We were aboard the Tortuga! Just FYI.

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