Peniel Access Eco Tours i Fajardo

Puerto RicoPeniel Access Eco Tours



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Las Croabas, 987 Road, Fajardo, 00738, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-463-1940
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3620876, Longitude: -65.6243749

kommentar 5

  • Leudy Valentin

    Leudy Valentin


    Best experience ever! Super crew! 😊❤🤗

  • JaNaye White

    JaNaye White


    yesterday night was amazing! went kayaking for the first time and was super scared, but it was SO worth it. the bioluminescence was extremely bright and gorgeous. definitely going again when i come back! grateful to my guides Rafy and Omar (i got 2 because I'm 2 special) for making this the best experience. please visit them if you're ever out here!

  • Kristopher Kauffman

    Kristopher Kauffman


    This was an awesome experience for the whole family! I would recommend for anyone who isn't sure about kayaking - don't worry it's a short easy paddle to see the bio-luminescent bay. These guides were great.

  • en

    antone yukma


    The guides were fun and informative. It exceeded my expectations. Highly recommend the tour!

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    Zachary Condry


    Access Tours is fantastic. If we could give 10 stars we would. But what really made our trip special was our tour guide Jonathan. We had me, my wife, my mom, and three girls (4.5, 2.5, and 6 months) and Jonathan made sure everything was perfect. In fact, we had such a great time with Access and Jonathan, we booked two more excursions with them! Their vehicles were excellent and tour timing was perfect. Seriously book with Access and Jonathan. You will not be disappointed.

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