Pure Adventure Bio Bay Location i Fajardo

Puerto RicoPure Adventure Bio Bay Location



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Cabezas, Fajardo 00738, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-202-6551
internet side: www.pureadventurepr.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3632622, Longitude: -65.6253929

kommentar 5

  • Jubriel Meneses

    Jubriel Meneses


    The guides were very knowledgeable and helped to corrall everyone together. Great time. Make sure to try and schedule your outing with the moon cycle. Low moon illumination = better views of the bioluminescent algae 👌🏾

  • Greg Reynolds

    Greg Reynolds


    This was my second trip to bio bay and the guides at Pure Adventure we rude and not helpful. Paddling through the mangroves in the dark they didn’t provide any light so the entire group kept ramming into each other like bumper cars causing traffic jams most of the way. One of the guides actually grabbed my cell phone hanging around my neck, insulted the waterproof case, and then shoved the phone into the pocket of my lifejacket. The lack of professionalism combined with the guides talking to everyone like they were in second grade were enough to ensure I will recommend any other guide company to my friends and family that come to visit Puerto Rico.

  • J.



    We booked the 8:00 p.m. tour. They give you a mini guide on how to kayak so you don't need to be experienced. You won't need your phone for the night tours as you can't see anything. The moon was too bright to see the organisms in the water, but they have their methods to make sure you do. The review of the constellations was a really nice touch. All of the guides were helpful, professional, and fun. I would return for the 6pm slot, but not for 8 p.m. Maneuvering through the ocean and mangrove in the dark was a little too much for me personally. Yet it was a fun experience nonetheless, I recommend it.

  • james su

    james su


    Amazing 2 hours of night kayaking and seeing the bioluminescence (even with some moonlight)! Tour guides were awesome, thank you Sandra, Alex, Javier, and Natalia!

  • Malcolm Tyree

    Malcolm Tyree


    We had a perfect night of kayaking The bioluminescent algae were great. The stargazing was awesome. We even experienced glowing jelly fish (they are slimy to the touch). Natalia did a wonderful job of helping my youngest feel safe and welcomed. Don’t bother bringing your camera/phone, it’s too dark. You have to record this adventure purely in your mind and heart.

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