Catamaran Spread Eagle II i Fajardo

Puerto RicoCatamaran Spread Eagle II



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Dock J Villa Marina Yacht Harbour, 00738, Fajardo, Sardinera, US
kontakter telefon: +1 787-887-8821
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3440597, Longitude: -65.636731

kommentar 5

  • Brian Christensen

    Brian Christensen


    Great crew and fun trip. I only wished it went to Culebra, but the island we went to was pretty nice. Clear blue waters. It was a little choppy the day we went, so wasn't crystal clear, but normally I assume it would be.

  • en

    Mimi Clausing


    My husband and I so thoroughly enjoyed our trip aboard the Spread Eagle II in January that we're returning in September with our daughter and her boyfriend. Food and drink was plentiful not to mention the awesome waters where I swam and snorkeled. The staff was amazing. I got sick on the way back but was well taken care of. When we return in September this is a MUST DO. Making my reservations soon!!

  • Valenzuela Arismendi

    Valenzuela Arismendi


    Nice and cool, people's ( Buena abtitud).

  • Nikki Stai

    Nikki Stai


    Traveling with a toddler isn't always the easiest especially with so many tourism companies pushing the party scene that makes an experience less than family-friendly. The Catamaran Spread Eagle II made my family very welcome! They were engaging, kind and helpful. Captain Bill even put on a special show of feeding the birds, much to the delight of my son. They took us to a great island where we could practice snorkeling and we put our son in his floatation ring and pushed him along while we snorkeled and he loved it. The waters were calm and warm and easy for all of us to navigate and the white sand beaches and clear water were mesmorizing. The crew put out a great spread for lunch and we enjoyed fresh Pina Coladas (sans rum for the little guy). Then the crew took us to deeper waters and we spotted sea turtles and a manatee before tying up next to another reef that was in 5 - 30ft of water and was much healthier with a decent variety of fish and corals. My only wish was that we could have swapped the amount of time at each location, but for the rest of the travelers on our trip, it was the right choice as many of them did not do much snorkeling. We still had an excellent time and I would highly recommend this company to anyone traveling with littles.

  • Megan Prater

    Megan Prater


    One of the best days of our trip! The staff was extremely friendly and accommodating. They navigated through the rain to get us to a sunny island when the other tour company had canceled our reservation. The food was tasty and the drinks were plentiful, we'd definitely recommend this company!

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