Yokahu Kayak Trips i Fajardo

Puerto RicoYokahu Kayak Trips



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PR-9987, 00738, Cabezas, Fajardo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-604-7375
internet side: www.yokahukayaks.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3628445, Longitude: -65.6246199

kommentar 5

  • edgardo sanchez

    edgardo sanchez


    Did visited before the hurricane passed. But when me and my family went it was very well planned and explained. Very knowledgeable crew.

  • Brian O'Connor

    Brian O'Connor


    Went for the Fajardo biobay tour 9/3/17--couldn't see much bioluminescence to speak of (went a few days before full moon--not ideal, so can't speak for a new moon experience), herd kayaking experience, meh staff (except the lead guide who was fun and knowledgeable). Seems like: go to the vieques/mosquito bay biobay during a favorable moon, or don't go at all.

  • Dan Mc

    Dan Mc


    The guides were great - i just didn't consider it a great excursion. Seeing the bio luminaries was OK. I can say I did it. The row back was really frustrating. To many people going out and 9pm started going in

  • en

    Lynn Stewart


    This trip was amazing! We came all the way from Long Island, NY to see the Bio Bay and we were not disappointed! Yusef specifically went above and beyond for us. We were a bit nervous as it was pitch black during the kayak trip but he was right by our side guiding the way! He helped us along the channel which was the darkest most narrow part. He talked about his adventures in Puerto Rico and the joys of sharing the Bio Bay tour with others. Yusef was professional, personable and very well educated about the bioluminescence. I recommend staying by his side! When we visit Puerto Rico again we will be booking with Yokahu Kayak Trips and asking for Yusef!

  • Tracy Verna

    Tracy Verna


    Tour guides were great and the over all kayaking experience was fun and adventurous. Easy, peaceful trip through the mangroves to the Bio Bay. An informative lesson about the organisms that emit the luminescence is given by the guide. The photos that you see on google or elsewhere are all photo shopped, don't expect to see any "glowing auras" around your kayak or glowing water. What you will see are a few sparks when you wave your hands in the water, similar to light bug lights. The trip back through the mangroves is more strenuous and was my favorite part! Especially hearing grown men being frightened when the kayaks bump into a tree or the kayaks get into a traffic jam due to swift current. It was a fun experience!

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