El Yunque National Forest - El Portal Visitor Center i Río Grande

Puerto RicoEl Yunque National Forest - El Portal Visitor Center



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Puerto Rico 191, 00745, Río Grande, Mameyes II, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-888-1880
internet side: www.fs.usda.gov
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3394947, Longitude: -65.7620198

kommentar 5

  • Nelly Ruiz

    Nelly Ruiz


    Hermoso lugar para respirar aire fresco, por el momento (mayo 2018) tienen varias áreas cerradas por el paso del huracán María. Pero pueden visitar una cascada hermosa y un rio q no esta muy lejos. Espero volver cuando terminen de arreglar los caminos. Los empleados son super amables! Excelente experiencia.

  • Ronald E Robbins

    Ronald E Robbins


    El Yunque Rainforest will go down as one of my favorite rainforests I’ve ever visited. The hiking trails had phenomenal views and the structure at the top gave a view unlike any other. I highly recommend spending a full day here. Explore some of the trails leading to the waterfalls because taking a dip is very refreshing - specifically La Coca and La Mina Falls!

  • George Amerson

    George Amerson


    In love with Puerto Rico. Unfortunately part of the rainforest was closed to the public sldiebtonthe damage from the hurricane. You're still able to see a good portion of it though and recommend you visit.

  • Michael Mauer

    Michael Mauer


    Hier konnte man sich eine Karte organisieren. Sind dann zu einem der Wanderparkplätze weitergefahren.

  • Anil Chakravorty

    Anil Chakravorty


    Highly picturesque national park, nice spots here for weekend picnics. Waterfalls are lovely to watch. Spread over several acres of land with green surroundings and rocky surfaces, good for hiking. Nice travel spots near this park.

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