Cafe Manolin i San Juan

Puerto RicoCafe Manolin



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251, Calle San Justo, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-723-9743
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Latitude: 18.4649345, Longitude: -66.1151892

kommentar 5

  • David Chu

    David Chu


    Had the mofongo with shrimp and rice and beans. Delicious. Skip the passion fruit juice. We sat at the bar and service was quick and easy. Plenty of food and fairly priced.

  • emilie lico

    emilie lico


    Decent sandwiches. It really doesnt matter what you order just get the hot sauce!! This sauce is spicy and addicting. You will want to smother everything in the hot sauce. The waiter said it is a homemade recipe.

  • Kari Infantino

    Kari Infantino


    This restaurant in old San Juan downtown has good food and nice service.. Try the mofongo..smashed plantain..its great with everything. My friend had a great Ceasar Salad with grilled chicken which she said had the best dressing ever. My other friend had chicken soup which was tasty. She was a little put off by all the bones. Nice location in old San Juan...

  • Jean Gannett

    Jean Gannett


    On google it says this restaurant has vegetarian options. This is a lie. I asked what vegetarian/vegan options they had when I got there and they said beans and rice. They bring me the beans and they have an actual chunk of meat in them. This is not vegetarian. If you are vegetarian or vegan, STEER CLEAR.

  • S. G.

    S. G.


    Mainly hype. Yes, the old, U-shaped diner counters are nostalgic, but that's where the charm ends. The breakfast menu ends at 10:45am so don't expect to brunch on eggs at noon. They won't do it. The food is mediocre diner food a la Puerto Rican cuisine. The service is typically diner style - quick and easy. If you like diners, then you may appreciate Cafe Manolin. Otherwise aren't missing much unless of course you come at 11am looking for an omelette.

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