The Red Monkey i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Red Monkey



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252, Calle De La Cruz, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-725-5219
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4644594, Longitude: -66.1161196

kommentar 5

  • Liz Wunder

    Liz Wunder


    We stopped into the red monkey when visiting beautiful old San Juan. We literally and figuratively "stumbled" upon this fine establishment on our way back to port. We walked in and we were cheerfully greeted by the bartender, Juan. We ordered up 2 recommended mojitos, which were fantastic!! We sat at the bar and enjoyed our drinks and also the company. It was late on a Tuesday and food was scarce . Thankfully, Juan offered us amazing empanadas which saved our life! I couldn't have asked for a better ending to San Juan. If your looking for a tourist friendly spot add the red monkey to your list. Muchas gracias mi Puerto Rican hermano!!

  • Sean Plunkett

    Sean Plunkett


    This place is amazing!! Best pastelillos in old San Juan. Open until 2 for those of us traveling from California. Ridiculously cheap. Strong Mojitos. Owner helped us and was crazy appreciative. We went here more times than any other place during our stay. Highly recommended!!!

  • Leonardo Eugenio Ross Rivera Jordån

    Leonardo Eugenio Ross Rivera Jordån


    Magical Place, Smart & Sharp People Will Do Anything To Make Youself Feel At Home And Have A Nice Timex

  • Luis Castaneda

    Luis Castaneda


    Warm welcoming bar. Great ppl to talk to and have a good time.

  • en

    Dutch Montroz


    We came across this bar by pure chance, we were just looking for a place to get out of the rain after spending the day in Old San Juan. We were just gonna have a drink and wait for the rain to pass, boy we ended up staying almost 4 hrs there, You cant beat there house drink, Mojitos and the price 2 for $10. We also weren't gonna eat , but we ordered a Cuban sandwich and we highly recommend it...The atmosphere and the staff is what made us stick around. The building is very historic and were fascinated by it...:)

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